'some dude'
Like everything Bestem builds, this Rear Fender Hugger is an absolute work of carbon fiber art. It's a large span of material and rather rigid (by virtue of being CF), so a minimal amount of pre-fitting and massaging is necessary in terms of aligning the mounting points, but the fastener hole placement is spot on (* pun intended) and, once in place, it sits perfectly; bringing a TON of eye-catching character to your beloved FZ/MT-07. True story: While visiting my local mechanic, he ran his finger under this part and his eyes lit up - "This is the real deal, not some crappy vinyl sticker." He's right :) Tip: For anyone concerned about fastener-cf tension, consider adding a thin, polymer washer to protect against the steel fastener-on-cf crush and 'float' this part a bit(?)
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Reviewed by: Peter Gibson from California.
on 6/17/2020